Better Health Channel

Viewing 1721-1730 of 2312 results

  1. Reactive arthritis

    Reactive arthritis is a form of arthritis that occurs as a result of some bacterial infections.

  2. Reagimet e mbijetuesit ndaj ngjarjeve traumatike (Survivor reactions to traumatic events - Albanian)

    Nëse i keni mbijetuar një ngjarjeje traumatike, pavarësisht nëse keni qenë të lënduar apo të padëmtuar fizikisht, është e rëndësishme të pranoni se trauma shkakton edhe dëm emocional.

  3. Reazioni di sopravvivenza ad eventi traumatici (Survivor reactions to traumatic events - Italian)

    Se siete sopravvissuti a un evento traumatico, sia che siate rimasti feriti o fisicamente illesi, è importante riconoscere che il trauma provoca anche danni emotivi.

  4. Recent arrivals, asylum seekers and family support services

    Provides an overview of family support programs and health services available to refugees and asylum seekers living in Victoria.

  5. Recognising when a child is at risk

    Too many children are physically, sexually and emotionally abused and when this happens, it is up to adults to speak up.

  6. Records and paperwork at hospital

    Learn about the types of paperwork required before, during and after a hospital visit, and find out about your rights regarding your patient records.

  7. Records and paperwork for maternal health care and babies

    When you are having a baby in Victoria, there are various records and other documents that need to be accessed, created or completed.

  8. Recovering from a heart attack

    Make sure you follow your plan when you leave hospital, take your medication and keep your appointments with doctors.

  9. Rectal prolapse

    Rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum turns itself inside out and comes out through the anus.

  10. Rectocele

    A rectocele is when the rectum protrudes into the vagina.