Better Health Channel

Viewing 401-410 of 2312 results

  1. Chiropractic

    Chiropractic treatment can be clinically effective for many problems of the skeleton and muscles, such as back pain and headache.

  2. Chiropractor

    A chiropractor diagnoses, treats and prevents conditions of the spine and musculoskeletal system.

  3. Chlamydia

    Chlamydia is called a 'silent infection' because many do not realise they have it. Includes causes, symptoms, risks, transmission, diagnosis, STI checks, treatment, prevention, notifying partners.

  4. Choking

    Don't slap a choking person on the back while they are upright - gravity may cause the object to slip further down their windpipe.

  5. Cholesterol

    Your body needs cholesterol, but it can make its own. You don't need cholesterol in your diet.

  6. Cholesterol - healthy eating tips

    Replacing foods that contain saturated fats with foods that contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats will help to lower your cholesterol.

  7. Choosing hospitals and specialist doctors

    If you need to go to hospital to see a specialist or surgeon, you have the right to choose both the hospital and the specialist you want.

  8. Choosing the right shoe

    The right footwear can help keep your feet healthy, make your physical activity easier and help keep your body safe from injury

  9. Christmas can be stressful

    The expense of gifts and food, the pressure of shopping, and the expectations of the season can make Christmas an extremely stressful time.

  10. Christmas – tips to reduce the stress

    Christmas doesn't have to be a financial headache if you plan ahead.