Better Health Channel

Viewing 641-650 of 1011 results

  1. Multiple sclerosis (MS)

    Multiple sclerosis is not contagious, but it is progressive and unpredictable.

  2. Multiple sclerosis (MS) - common symptoms

    Common symptoms of multiple sclerosis can be eased with medications, therapies and self-help strategies.

  3. Mumps

    Mumps is a viral illness that causes fever and swollen salivary glands, and a swollen face.

  4. Munchausen syndrome

    Munchausen syndrome is a mental disorder in which the patient fakes illness to gain attention and sympathy.

  5. Murray Valley encephalitis

    Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) is a serious viral infection, spread by mosquito bites.

  6. Muscle cramp

    A muscle cramp is an uncontrollable and painful spasm of a muscle.

  7. Muscles

    There are about 600 muscles in the human body

  8. Muscular dystrophy

    People affected by muscular dystrophy have different degrees of independence, mobility and carer needs.

  9. Mwitikio wa mtu wa aliyenusurika kwa matukio ya kiwewe (Survivor reactions to traumatic events - Swahili)

    Ikiwa umenusurika kwenye tukio la kutisha, iwe ulijeruhiwa au haukujeruhiwa kimwili, ni muhimu kutambua kwamba kiwewe husababisha madhara ya kihisia pia.

  10. Myasthenia gravis

    Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness.