Better Health Channel

Viewing 921-930 of 1011 results

  1. Trichomonas

    Trichomoniasis (or trichomonas) is a sexually transmissible infection (STI). Includes causes, symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, notifying partners and where to get help.

  2. Triglycerides

    If a person habitually eats more kilojoules than they burn, they will have raised triglyceride levels in the blood.

  3. Trisomy disorders

    Children affected by trisomy usually have a range of birth defects, including delayed development and intellectual disabilities.

  4. Tuberculosis (TB)

    Tuberculosis (TB) is spread when a person with an active infection coughs, laughs, sings or sneezes.

  5. Tuberous sclerosis

    Tuberous sclerosis is a genetic disorder that affects various parts of the body to varying degrees of severity.

  6. Turner's syndrome

    Turner's syndrome is a random genetic disorder that affects females, causing short stature and infertility.

  7. Twins - identical and fraternal

    Multiple births are more common due to the advancing average age of mothers and the rise in assisted reproductive techniques.

  8. Ugonjwa wa mfadhaiko baada ya kiwewe (Post-traumatic stress disorder - Swahili)

    Ugonjwa wa mfadhaiko baada ya kiwewe (PTSD) ni mlolongo wa miitikio inayoweza kutokea kwa watu ambao wamepitia au kushuhudia tukio la kutisha ambalo linatishia maisha au usalama wao.

  9. Ultrasound scan

    Ultrasound is a scan used to study internal body structures.

  10. Undescended testicles

    Undescended testicles means that one or both testicles are missing from the scrotum.