Better Health Channel

Viewing 911-920 of 1011 results

  1. Transvaginal mesh

    Transvaginal mesh has been used for more than 20 years to manage problems for women such as prolapse and incontinence. While this treatment is successful for many women, some unfortunately have complications very soon after their operation or years later. For these women, the symptoms are serious and can be debilitating.

  2. Trauma - helping family or friends

    There are things you can do to try to help someone who has been through a distressing or frightening event.

  3. Trauma - reaction and recovery

    It is normal to have strong emotional or physical reactions after a distressing or frightening event, and help is available.

  4. Trauma - reagim dhe shërim (Trauma - reaction and recovery - Albanian)

    It is normal to have strong emotional or physical reactions after a distressing or frightening event, and help is available.

  5. Trauma: reazione e guarigione (Trauma - reaction and recovery - Italian)

    È normale manifestare forti reazioni emotive o fisiche in seguito ad un evento sconvolgente.

  6. Travel health - yellow fever immunisation

    If you are travelling or passing through areas infected with yellow fever, some countries require you to be vaccinated.

  7. Traveller's diarrhoea

    The risk of traveller's diarrhoea is higher where sanitation and hygiene standards are poor.

  8. Travelling with an allergy

    If you have an allergy, visit your doctor before you travel, especially if you are at risk of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) or an asthma attack.

  9. Treacher Collins syndrome

    Treacher Collins syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects growth and development of the head, causing facial defects and hearing loss.

  10. Treating persistent pain

    Pain is our built-in alarm system. It makes us aware that something might be going wrong in our body. However, there are many things you can do to deal effectively with persistent pain.