Better Health Channel

Viewing 111-120 of 260 results

  1. Living in a residential aged care home

    Residential aged care homes provide a range of care, services, social, cultural and spiritual activities, and different physical environments which give you options for how to spend your days.

  2. Looking after yourself as a carer

    If you are a carer, for example of a person with a disability or mental illness, or recovering from an accident or illness or an older person with care needs, you need to look after yourself or the demands may wear you down.

  3. Maintaining your quality of life during a life-limiting illness

    End of life and palliative care is based on person-centred and holistic care. Talk with your family, close friends, doctor and your palliative care team about what they can do to help you to make the most of each day.

  4. Major trauma discharge from hospital

    Discharge from hospital after a major trauma event can be confusing, find out more.

  5. Major trauma in Victoria

    The Victorian State Trauma System provides urgent and coordinated care to people experiencing a major trauma event.

  6. Making a complaint about a mental health service

    If you are dissatisfied with a mental health treatment or service, you have the right to make a complaint and have your concerns addressed.

  7. Making a complaint about disability services

    If you are unhappy with the way a disability service has treated you, you have the right to complain and to have your concerns addressed.

  8. Making a complaint on behalf of a patient as a carer

    Carers have the right to make a complaint on behalf of a person in their care to a healthcare professional, service or regulatory body.

  9. Making and managing health and medical appointments

    To get the most out of your medical appointments, it’s important to prepare well, book early and write down any questions you may have.

  10. Making healthcare decisions for someone else

    Family members may be involved in making healthcare decisions for you if you are unable to make decisions and it is not a medical emergency.