Viewing 251-260 of 558 results
- Is my body normal? (Boys)
Boys’ bodies come in all shapes and sizes. As you get older and go through puberty, you will become more aware of your body and how it compares with others.
- Is my body normal? (Girls)
Puberty is a time when your body goes through lots of changes. For girls, puberty usually starts between the ages of 8 and 13, and lasts a few years.
- It's okay to feel sad
Sadness is a feeling that everyone experiences. It is part of life. We can respond to our sadness in ways that help us feel better.
- Jaundice in babies
If your baby is full-term and healthy, mild jaundice is nothing to worry about and will resolve by itself within a week or so.
- Jet lag
If you suffer badly from jet lag, it may be worthwhile considering a westerly travel route if possible.
- Kava
It is dangerous to take kava in combination with alcohol or other psychoactive drugs.
- Keeping backyard chickens – what you should know
Keeping chickens as pets can be a rewarding experience, especially for children. However, chickens and other poultry can carry germs such as Salmonella, even when they appear healthy and clean.
- Kinship care
Kinship care is the care provided by relatives or a member of a child's social network when a child cannot live with their parents.
- Kiwewe na familia (Trauma and families - Swahili)
Familia inapoathiriwa na shida, kila mtu katika familia ataitikia kwa njia tofauti.
- Kiwewe na watoto - watoto wachanga hadi wenye umri wa miaka miwili (Trauma and children 0 to 2 years - Swahili)
Kiwewe kinaweza kuwa na athari mbaya kwa watoto wachanga na watoto wachanga.