Better Health Channel

Viewing 2061-2070 of 2312 results

  1. Trauma - helping family or friends

    There are things you can do to try to help someone who has been through a distressing or frightening event.

  2. Trauma - reaction and recovery

    It is normal to have strong emotional or physical reactions after a distressing or frightening event, and help is available.

  3. Trauma - reagim dhe shërim (Trauma - reaction and recovery - Albanian)

    It is normal to have strong emotional or physical reactions after a distressing or frightening event, and help is available.

  4. Trauma and children - newborns to two years

    Babies and toddlers can be as affected by trauma as any other family member.

  5. Trauma and children - two to five years

    Preschoolers may not have the words but will show their distress at traumatic events through changes in behaviour and functioning.

  6. Trauma and children – tips for parents

    Tell your child the facts about a distressing or frightening experience using language they can understand.

  7. Trauma and families

    When a family is affected by trauma, everyone will react in a different way.

  8. Trauma and primary school age children

    Children look to their parents or carers to judge how to deal with a crisis.

  9. Trauma and teenagers - tips for parents

    Teenagers may turn to friends rather than parents for support in times of trauma and distress.

  10. Trauma and teenagers – common reactions

    A teenager may be deeply upset by a traumatic event, but not share their feelings with their parents.