Better Health Channel

Viewing 2071-2080 of 2312 results

  1. Trauma dhe familjet (Trauma and families - Albanian)

    Kur një familje preket nga një krizë, secili në familje do të reagojë ndryshe.

  2. Trauma dhe fëmijët - të porsalindurit deri në dy vjet (Trauma and children 0 to 2 years - Albanian)

    Trauma mund të ketë një efekt serioz tek foshnjat dhe fëmijët e vegjël.

  3. Trauma e bambini da 0 a 2 anni (Trauma and children 0 to 2 years - Italian)

    I traumi possono avere effetti gravi su neonati e bambini.

  4. Trauma e famiglie (Trauma and families - Italian)

    Quando una famiglia è colpita da una crisi, ogni membro reagisce in modo diverso.

  5. Trauma recovery services

    There are many things you can do to cope with and recover from trauma. These pages will introduce you to strategies and services to help you after a major event.

  6. Trauma: reazione e guarigione (Trauma - reaction and recovery - Italian)

    È normale manifestare forti reazioni emotive o fisiche in seguito ad un evento sconvolgente.

  7. Travel and holidays

    Plan and prepare to get the most out of your holiday. Get good medical advice, get immunised if you need to, and do what you can ahead of time to protect your health and safety while travelling.

  8. Travel assistance for people with a disability

    If you or someone you care for has a disability and needs help to get around, there are support services available.

  9. Travel health - yellow fever immunisation

    If you are travelling or passing through areas infected with yellow fever, some countries require you to be vaccinated.

  10. Travel immunisation

    If you are travelling overseas, check with your doctor well in advance to find out what immunisations you need.