Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health

Viewing 1-10 of 258 results

  1. Vision loss - social events

    With planning and preparation, most social events can be adapted to suit people with vision loss.

  2. Adverse Medicine Events Line

    Report and discuss unexpected and undesirable side effects (adverse experiences) with medicine.

  3. Survivor reactions to traumatic events

    If you have survived a traumatic event, whether you were injured or not, it's important to recognise that trauma also causes emotional harm. Survival is often associated with complex emotional reactions that cause distress and make it hard to resume everyday life after the event. These are known as ‘survivor reactions’.

  4. Near-miss experiences and traumatic events

    Traumatic events usually happen quickly and chaotically. A near-miss experience occurs when you are involved in a traumatic event where you think you will die or be badly hurt, but are not. This can have a deep psychological impact, sometimes with lasting effects

  5. واکنش بازماندگان به حوادث آسیب زا (Survivor reactions to traumatic events - Dari)

    اگر از یک سانحه آسیب‌زا جان سالم به در برده‌اید، خواه مجروح شده باشید یا از نظر جسمی آسیبی ندیده باشید، مهم است که بدانید صدمه باعث مشکلات روحی نیز می‌شود.

  6. Αντιδράσεις επιζώντων σε τραυματικά γεγονότα (Survivor reactions to traumatic events - Greek)

    Εάν έχετε επιζήσει από ένα τραυματικό γεγονός, είτε τραυματιστήκατε είτε βγήκατε σωματικά αβλαβής, είναι σημαντικό να αναγνωρίσετε ότι το τραύμα προκαλεί, επίσης, συναισθηματική βλάβη.

  7. Reagimet e mbijetuesit ndaj ngjarjeve traumatike (Survivor reactions to traumatic events - Albanian)

    Nëse i keni mbijetuar një ngjarjeje traumatike, pavarësisht nëse keni qenë të lënduar apo të padëmtuar fizikisht, është e rëndësishme të pranoni se trauma shkakton edhe dëm emocional.

  8. Reazioni di sopravvivenza ad eventi traumatici (Survivor reactions to traumatic events - Italian)

    Se siete sopravvissuti a un evento traumatico, sia che siate rimasti feriti o fisicamente illesi, è importante riconoscere che il trauma provoca anche danni emotivi.

  9. ردود فعل الناجين على الأحداث الصادمة (Survivor reactions to traumatic events - Arabic)

    إذا كنت قد نجوت من حدث صادم، سواء كنت مصابًا أو غير مصاب بأذى جسدي، فمن المهم أن تدرك أن الصدمة تسبب أيضًا ضررًا عاطفيًا.

  10. दर्दनाक घटनाओं के लिए उत्तरजीवी प्रतिक्रियाएं (Survivor reactions to traumatic events - Hindi)

    यदि आप दर्दनाक घटना से बच गए हैं, चाहे आप घायल हुए हों या शारीरिक रूप से आपको कोई नुकसान न पहुँचा हो, तो यह पहचानना महत्वपूर्ण है कि अभिघात (ट्रॉमा) भी भावनात्मक नुकसान का कारण बनता है।

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258 results